Mrs. Morrow’s Retirement

Mrs. Morrow's Retirement

Justus Palumbo, Staff Writer

Mrs. Morrow has been at Cascade High School longer than most other teachers and it’s going to be hard to see her go. After this school year ends Mrs. Morrow plans to retire from teaching.

She has taught many students over the years, sharing her valuable skills needed for her craft. When asked what her favorite art discipline was she said, “That’s a really hard question as I love all aspects of art.  I haven’t had much time to work on personal pieces in a long time, however, I would like to get back into some painting.” 

Mrs. Morrow has been the art teacher within the Mill Creek community for 42 years. She worked at the elementary schools for 28 years and has now been teaching at the high school for 14 years.

Mrs. Morrow currently teaches all of the art classes that Cascade  has to offer. After recovering from her injuries earlier this school year, she bounced right back into teaching to end her last year strong.  

Although Mrs. Morrow has been a part of this school district for many years, she did not start her career here.

“I started student teaching in Plainfield at Brentwood Elementary. Straight out of student teaching I was asked to interview for a maternity leave at the elementary level back in 1981.  The schools were Stilesville and Amo Elementary schools.  I traveled during that time until Stilesville consolidated with Amo and became West Elementary,” said Morrow.

Students think very highly of Mrs. Morrow and are surely going to miss her.

Junior Maragaret Holtsclaw said, “I think Mrs. Morrow has a passion for art and I love how she pursues it. I really enjoyed joining that art contest she suggested I submit to, and I even ended up winning 4th place in digital art! I’m going to miss the ambience of her room, she made it a great place to work on art.” 

Retirement is the next step in a person’s life and Mrs. Morrow surely has plans for the future. “I have spent the majority of my life in school whether it be as a student or a teacher, so my current plans are to relax and take time for myself, maybe get back into painting, or drawing. I would like to volunteer at my grandchildren’s school and help with the HOST program.” 

With Mrs. Morrow leaving the school after such commitment, she will surely miss it. “What I will miss most is interacting with co-workers, friends and students,” said Morrow.

After being such an important part of the CHS staff for so long it will be hard to see her go.