“I didn’t know we had that!”

Elizabeth Daniels, Staff Writer

CHS has a variety of opportunities for students to take different classes, but there are many courses that students just don’t know about.  

Some of these classes include sports marketing, child development and parenting, nutrition and wellness and music theory. 

Let’s start with sports marketing taught by Mr.Dugan.  Students work on a large, semester-long project where they create a new sports organization, creating digital and print logos along with video advertisements. 

Toward the end of the semester, students have the chance to merge their organization with a classmate to use both people’s skills. 

Dugan says this class is for people with interests in sports who might want to see how marketing affects the fans. 

Now let’s move onto child development and nutrition and wellness, which are both taught by Miss Culver.

One of the unique assignments in child development is the “take a baby home project.” This unit is aimed at helping teens realize how difficult it is to care for a baby and how to care for children physically, mentally and socially. 

Nutrition and wellness offers unique cooking labs, which is actually why most students take this class. Students also learn how to read recipes and how to sanitize food correctly. 

Finally CHS offers a music theory class which is taught by Mr. Shafer. 

A major assignment in this class is the composition project. This is where students create their own melody, rhythm and harmony. This project is all up to the students as long as it follows guidelines and is an amazingly creative way to show the things learned within the class. 

Shafer says students choose to take this class if they have a love or interest in music and wonder how music works. His class is collaborative, meaning students work together for a common goal. 

This class focuses on the structure of music composition. This is basically where you break down the elements of music to see how they work in theoretical and practical application. 

While Shafer doesn’t think this class should be mandatory, he believes it is a fun new experience that everyone should try. 

These classes might not be for you, but they could give you a fun and new experience that you might fall in love with.