Student Spotlight

February 3, 2021
An amazing CHS senior who has good grades, a positive attitude, and is hard working recently entered into the Hendricks County Art Council that will show the skills of her amazing hobby.
Savannah Allen is a senior at CHS who has been going to Mill Creek schools since she was in kindergarten at Mill Creek West Elementary. One of her favorite memories from Cascade is being a part of the spell bowl team which she joined during her sophomore year. Allen also had the opportunity this year to help paint one of the art room walls.
She helped to design the senior tile that was painted by Chase Searcy and also painted a ceiling tile in her sophomore year that is located in the ceramic’s room.
For the past three years she has had the amazing opportunity of competing in the Hendricks County Art Council contest. Allen has always been interested in art and says it has partially shaped her into the person she is today. Some of her hobbies include drawing, painting, and reading.
A unique fact about Allen is that she is heavily passionate and inspired by art. Mrs. Morrow says “Savannah has both terrific craftsmanship and great crativity”, which shows that she is a very hard worker. She specifically loves drawing and says painting is a close second.
Allen says her senior year has been alright so far, other than some parts of her Ivy Tech classes have been a little stressful. “Overall it’s the best year of high school I’ve had so far.” She is juggling her many art hobbies along with a part time job at Oasis Diner in Plainfield as a dish washer and fry cook.
After graduation she plans on studying art education or art therapy at Indiana State University. Morrow believes she will go far in her extended art exploration at ISU.
Her parting advice to younger students is “To always follow your heart and do what you’re passionate about. Never stop trying in order to achieve your goals in life.”