Cascade High School blood drive

February 3, 2021
Did you know that a single pint of blood could save up to three lives? You could be that hero.
Every year, Cascade High School hosts a blood drive where students, staff and community members can donate. Currently, there is an emergency blood shortage, so any little bit helps.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, many schools that typically host a blood drive were unable to this year. CHS could not hold it at the school this year due to the restrictions on the number of and type of guests allowed in the building.
Cascade was fortunate enough to move their location for the drive to Clayton Christian Church, which allowed them use of the facility.
Students are encouraged to both participate in the drive, but also to inform others of the event via social media and word of mouth. Senior Halle Cansdale, who has worked in the drive in past years, says that her main job is to “…publicize this event and encourage as many people as possible to participate.”
In order to participate, you must be 16 or older and meet certain health requirements, such as weight or physical health.
Many people in the past have wanted to donate blood, however were unable due to not meeting the necessary stipulations. Females tend to be the ones who do not qualify to donate.
The goal this year was to get 35 to 50 participants, but they only ended up receiving 17 whole blood donations and four double reds, where donors give two units of blood in one appointment.
If you were unable to make it to the blood drive, it is still a great idea to donate anywhere else that you can. Cansdale also said that she tries to “…encourage people to donate blood outside of this specific event, because donating is a good deed.”