Student council with a twist

September 11, 2020
The CHS student council has some new goals set this year to make a higher quality school.
Student council is a group of students from all four grades who work together to promote citizenship and leadership. The president of the sophomore class, Madelynn Coy stated, “Student council to me is the ability to come together and work as one to lead the school with spirit.”
The council hosts events such as blood drives, homecoming, Riley fundraisers, school dances and activity nights. It allows the students to get more involved with the school and make it a healthier area.
Some individuals do not realize that the student council is excessively important. Many of the events the students and teachers participate in at school are run by student council members. It permits students to learn how to work as a team and learn more about themselves.
According to the adviser, Mrs. Ball, “Student council promotes student leadership and student led activities to enhance the school experience.” The student council gives students the chance to speak up on what they want changed around the school. It also allows the students to take on functions giving them more responsibilities. It even helps the staff be more opened minded to what the students need.
The student council has already set multiple goals for this year.
One of the main goals they have set is to have as many spirit competitions as possible while still following the social distancing requirements. They are hoping this will bring the school community together. Another objective the team has set is to push the students and staff members to participate in activities and dress up days this year.
Ball stated, “We will still compete in dress up days, and we really want to push participation this year since it’s one of the few typical activities we promote that we can keep as is.”
Ever since COVID-19 began the student council members have had to adjust their procedures. The virus has made it tough to continue student council. They have had to cancel some activities they usually plan.
Ball mentioned, “Since COVID-19 started we have been slower to make plans. We have to consider changing or doing away with many of the activities that we have held in the past.” Although they are not giving up, the team wants to successfully bring the students and staff members together.
Each grade has three officers: the Secretary, Vice President, and the President. The officers are the leaders for each grade. The president of the class represents the grades student body when planning school events and guides the other officers.
The president of the Freshman class Haydan Gabbard stated, “I enjoy student council because I can help be a part of deciding what the students would like the most. Sometimes teachers only think like adults so I think it’s important to have students also give ideas on events and things students participate in.”