Sophomore speeches


Sophomore Ryan Thornburg delivers a speech in the PAC.

Lundynn Beatty, Staff

The number one fear in the world is public speaking. Admit it, it’s pretty scary getting in front of large groups of people knowing they’re probably judging you and there are a lot of people there if you mess up.
Ms. Bauer’s English classes are required to give a speech in the auditorium in front of not only their class, but anyone in the entire school who chooses to come, with their only source of information being a one-sided notecard.
Ms. Bauer has done her best to prepare her students for the big speech but many students are still nervous. Knowing that all of your classmates are in the audience would often drive people to become more anxious in hopes that they don’t stutter or mess up one of their lines on the notecard. However, Junior Marshall Bledsoe had different thoughts.
“Speaking in front of large audiences makes me anxious, but the audience was just my friends and classmates. So there wasn’t really much to be anxious about,” he said.
Two things that may be considered the most challenging would be finding the information that proves your points and the presentation itself. According to sophomore Shyanne Scott, “The hardest part of my speech so far is picking information that I believe is suited to get my point across.”
In the end most realized that the speeches were not that bad and they were stressing for no reason.