Youtube’s “golden boy” removed

January 26, 2018
Famous Youtube star Logan Paul dropped his daily vlog on Dec. 31st, 2017, but this one video ended up with madness and disgust all over the internet.
The vlog was showing Paul and his friends entering and walking through the Aokigahara forest in Japan. This forest also known as the “suicide forest.” While they were filming themselves walking through the forest they stumbled across a man who had ended his life. Paul and his friends were severely shocked, but they ended up making jokes about the man tragic situations.
The man has not yet been identified. The 22 year-old Paul, has since apologized for the video. He had taken it down and claimed that the video was supposed to “help suicide awareness.” The internet fired back at him, his apology, and his video.
Many social media influencers have since expressed their feelings toward the whole video. Sophie Turner from the hit television show, “Game of Thrones” has expressed her feelings in a tweet toward Paul saying, “You are an idiot. You’re not raising suicide awareness. You are mocking it. I can’t believe how self-praising your “apology” is. You don’t deserve the success (views) you have. I pray to God you never have to experience anything like that man did.”
James Charle,s the first male Covergirl model and beauty adviser had a few descriptive words to say against Paul as well, stating, “I can’t imagine thinking it’s okay to film a suicide, saying it wasn’t for clickbait, and then backing up your apology statement by saying I get views anyways.”
So many people were upset with Paul, that it caused over 500,000 people to sign a petition to have Logan Paul kicked off Youtube. Their overall goal is to get over 1 million signatures.
On Jan. 10th, Youtube finally made up their mind about punishing Paul. Youtube decided to remove “their golden boy” from their platform’s Google Preferred Ad program and suspended all of his Youtube Red projects.
Before Paul destroyed his career, he was just a casual vlogger with almost 16 million followers on Youtube. Paul started off his social media career on the popular app Vine, where he accumulated over 9.4 million followers on making seven second videos. Logan now has 16.2 million followers on one of the most famous social media sights, Instagram.
He has also starred in many movies and tv shows like “The Thinning,” “The Space Between Us” and on the television show “Stitchers.” Paul has also been showing himself on Youtube in very beautiful different places all over the world such as Bali, Hawaii, Italy and France.
He has not made any video since the scandal. He also has not been posting on any social media sights and not been making anymore money from Youtube. Paul should be an example to everyone that you should be careful on what you post to the internet.