Is the world ending?

September 19, 2017
There has been a lot happening recently.
California is on fire, Oregon is on fire, Montana is on fire, areas of Canada are on fire, a portion of Texas was just hit by the one of the worst hurricanes in the past ten years and Florida was hit by a an even bigger hurricane, more hurricanes are forming in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, Idaho just experienced a 5.3 magnitude earthquake, Mexico experienced an 8.1 magnitude earthquake, there was the eclipse, and to top it all off, North Korea tested a nuclear bomb that triggered a 6.3 magnitude explosion earthquake.
According to some Christians, and even some non-Christians, this all means we need to make our peace with Jesus because the world is ending as we know it.
Christians believe we need to worry because much of what is happening was outlined in the Bible.
Luke 21:10-11 reads, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”
Many argue that this Bible verse covers many things that have been happening recently, mainly involving North Korea.
The United States has made it very clear that if North Korea continues making threats, we will go to war. Vladimir Putin decided that if the feud would reach such a magnitude, Russia would assist North Korea. This supports the claim that nations will begin to rise against nations.
North Korea has even tested its sixth nuclear bomb which in turn resulted in a relatively large earthquake. There have also been earthquakes in Idaho and Mexico. This supports the claim that there will be earthquakes, and because of the cause of the earthquake, people are seeing this as a fearful event, which is also mentioned in the verse.
Luke 21:25 then goes on to say “There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. On earth, nations will anguish and perplexity at the roaring seas.”
Many people use this Bible verse specifically to support the idea that the world is ending.
The first line talks about signs in the sun, moon and stars. People believe that the solar eclipse on Aug. 21 is what fulfilled this line, since it has to do with both the sun and the moon.
The second line covers the what is happening in the sea.
In case you missed it, Hurricane Harvey recently hit Houston, which has caused mass flooding and has already accumulated approximately $40 billion in damages, and that number is ever-growing.
Not to mention, Irma, a super-sized hurricane that is over 400 miles wide has hit the Caribbean Islands and caused 25 deaths, and then went straight towards Florida, where 90% of the homes in the Florida Keys were damaged.
As if that isn’t enough, there is a hurricane following right behind Irma it that may or may not make landfall, as well as a another hurricane forming in the Gulf of Mexico.
All of these things occurring happen in the ocean and are serious problems. This leads many people to believe that the tropical storms coming through fulfill the second line of the Bible verse, and cause them to therefore believe the world is ending.
Finally, in the Bible, it is said that in the end there will be much chaos. With everything happening in the world right now, there is a lot of chaos. People also use this to support their argument.
Now, I totally agree that what is going on is completely crazy and serious, and it is unreal that it matches up so well with the Bible. But is the world actually ending?
Maybe, but probably not.
I’m not going to sit here and say the world is 100% not ending and dismiss these claims because in all honesty it could be. I believe in God and I trust the words printed in the Bible, but let’s be real.
People have said time after time again that the world is ending as we know it, and they pull text from the Bible to try and prove their point. Yet, despite the evidence from one of the most sacred texts on the planet, here we are.
The world is still turning and we are all still alive. We’re probably still going to live.