Student Spotlight: Sara Berge

Abby Church, Editor-in-Chief

Anyone who knows junior, Sara Berge, knows that marches to her own drum.
Berge has attended Mill Creek Community Schools since Kindergarten along with her younger sister, Kara.
Berge is actively involved in Mock Trial, SADD and the Black and Blue Crew. She also manages cross country and softball.
Berge’s favorite part about the community is that everyone knows everyone. “Sometimes kids I don’t even recognize say “Hi Sara”,” says Berge.
She has many favorite classes, but peer tutoring and computer illustrations and graphics are two that she enjoys. She loves helping out the students in Ms. Verhey’s room while making a positive impact on the students. She is also working on a new mock trial website in Mr. Waycott’s class for the upcoming competition season.
When she is not in school, you can find Sara on Instagram Live making macaroni and cheese, or hanging with her cat, Maybelle. She also enjoys playing video games as well as reading.
One of Berge’s many accomplishments while at CHS was during her freshman year, when she wrote a spoken word poem with Mrs. Ball. Her teacher encouraged her to submit it into a poetry contest. Later that year, Berge received honorable mention for her poetry, and got to go to IUPUI to read it. “The best part about it was that someone’s grandma came up to me and told me how great I was,” says Berge.
Sara says her most favorite memory while at Cascade was when both Mock Trial teams made it to the state competition last year.
The biggest piece of advice Sara has to offer in high school is getting involved in afterschool clubs. “It helps you learn more about your peers,” says Berge. Getting involved can help the school as well as helping you with your college applications.
After high school, Sara plans to attend IUPUI and eventually study at the McKinney School of Law in order to become a lawyer.