O’ Captain My Captain

August 16, 2017
“The” Cascade High school has gained five new teachers for the new school year. The new math guy on the scene is Mr. Shawn Alspaugh.
Mr. Alspaugh. Mr. A. Spaugh. O’ Captain My Captain. You can call him what you want but you still may not know him. Mr. A has taught for 11 years at many different schools, five at Sullivan, three at Eminence, one a South Putnam, and two at North Putnam.
Mr. Alspaugh teaches finite and geometry. He describes his teaching style as “Sarcastic, challenging and casual.” He says he tries to explain the reasoning behind the rules and steps they do, but that he wants to have fun and joke around while they do it.
Away from the classroom Mr. Alspaugh goes home to a loving wife and two and half kids (his words, not mine). His wife Lauren, pregnant with a third, and his two kids Heidi and Elias make up the Alspaugh family. When he has time, Mr. A enjoys taking his kids to the park for some fun.
Mr. Alspaugh has an eclectic set of hobbies, from playing guitar in the praise band at Kingsway Church to being a talented swing dancer. He really does it all. Alongside his musical talents, Alspaugh has a love for sports. In his spare time he likes to play golf and water ski.
Not only does he play sports, he also coaches them. Mr.Alspaugh has coached golf at multiple schools, six years of boys golf and two of girls. He also has experience coaching basketball, three of which were for varsity teams. Some notable players he’s coached include Rhett Smith, who went to play at Indiana State, Dawson Gore, who set numerous shooting records at St. Joe’s, and of course Levi Hammett.
Some other notable facts about “O’ Captain My Captain” are that he has been to Europe once and on a mission trip to Romania to help at an orphanage. He cares about the kids, so o wonder he’s a teacher.
Head on down to room 211 and get to know our newest family member!