CHS School Safety Board

February 2, 2017
The CHS school safety board was founded in December of 2016.
¨I’ve wanted to start something like this for quite a while now,” said school resource officer, Deputy Johnson.
So what is the school safety board? What does it stand for ? What are the goals?
The safety board is a team of students. Two students, one male and female, were hand picked by Johnson to help make the school a better and all-around safer place to be.
They have meetings at least once a month during school time where they discuss things that they see going on that could become a problem, discuss future events like national drug awareness week and discuss what they can do as a board and as a school to raise awareness about the dangers of using drugs.
There are many things the board plans on doing in the future for the school.
April 10th they plan on setting up a senior life skills and safety day. This event is open for the seniors and will need at least 45 students to make it happen. The event is free.
The event will have six stations; the first is driving a golf cart with beer goggles on. The second station will be a ¨skid car¨ in which the back of the car will be lifted so a very minimal amount of the tires will be touching the ground and this will simulate driving in ice and how to recover.
The third station will be called EVO, which stands for emergency vehicle operations.
Next will be the blind spot challenge where students will get to sit in a semi cab and objects will be placed in the ¨ blind spots ¨ the challenge will be to try to see them. Another station will be a car maintenance station. And finally, there will be a station to pick up advice on how to handle traffic stops and accidents.
Door prizes will be given away and food will be available and free.
This is just one of many things that the school safety board is working hard to do to make the students and community of Cascade High School a safer place.