Time is running out

January 18, 2017
There are only a few copies of the 2017 Cascade High School yearbook left and they are quickly running out. Your mass media team has been working hard to get the yearbooks out to you, so order them up.
Cascade yearbooks have been impressively put together in the past few years and they are absolutely worth the money. Each yearbook costs $59 without any customizations. If you are interested in engraving your name into a plate for the front of your book, you can do so for an extra $5.50..
Once the books are all ordered, there will probably not be any more copies made available for sale. And if you miss out, you will regret it!
Junior Madison Bradley explained how she missed getting a yearbook last year. She said “ I missed the yearbook deadline last year and so now my mom doesn’t want to buy me one this year.”
To order your yearbook, you can find everything you need on the web at yearbookordercenter.com. You can insert the school name “Cascade Sr. High School” or you can insert the code 3145 to find the Cascade High School yearbook order information.
It will prompt you to select quantity, number of engraving plates and the name of the student you are ordering for. You then go through a normal checkout process where you insert your card number and your billing address.
You could be that unfortunate person who misses out on all the great photos and memories.There are students, however, who got their parents to get their yearbooks as soon as possible.
There are only a few yearbooks left. There is nothing like “The” Cascade High School’s yearbook, filled to the brim with amazing pictures and great recollections. Make the leap and order your memories today.