Boogers are back

November 1, 2016
Being sick is terrible, but everyone knows it happens.
Over 40% of all students who attend public school get one of these fall viruses; the common cold, bronchitis or strep throat.
The common cold is the easiest to get and the easiest to treat. The symptoms of a common cold include runny nose, sneezing and congestion.
However, unlike most people think, you can not contract a cold from being outside without a jacket or walking outside with wet hair. The common cold is contracted by bacteria most frequently found in cold climates, hence the name “cold.”
The winter season is known for sniffling and sneezing. Good news yhough, there are ways to prevent getting sick.
Eating yogurt is an easy and delicious way to stave off sickness. In a study published in Clinical Nutrition, greek yogurt was found to have a certain strain of probiotics that make you 27 percent less likely to contract one of the winter bugs.
Sweating out your cold may smell bad, but it does work. When you are sweating, your body sends “natural killer cells” out to hunt the virus in the air as well as in your system.
A survey of the Cascade student body shows that over one-third of Cadets find themselves down with the flu by the time fall break is over.
Junior Madison Bradley got the bug the week after fall break. “I stayed home all day and laid in bed, hoping that it would just go away.” Sophomore Suzanne Scott says she has only gotten sick one time out of this entire year.
Sickness can get anyone at anytime. Keep your hot pads close and your yogurt even closer. Let’s hope nobody has to be the one that blows their nose in the middle of a silent class.